For anyone looking for meth test training in Melbourne, it is essential to know a few basic facts about meth and its usage. Make sure you read the following to get your facts straight.
- Meth also known as methamphetamine is a powerful stimulant drug which has a direct impact on the central nervous system. It is usually made in clandestine factories all over the world. Plus it’s easily available because it can be sold as over the counter medication.
- Initially meth was developed from amphetamine which is commonly used in cold and cough medications and Broncho inhalers which helped combat nasal decongestion.
- On the other hand meth has more profound and serious effects on the human body.
- There are several street names for meth. It is known as biker, crack, crystal meth, speed, baku, chalk, crank and crystal. The list is quite long and the names vary across different cultures and countries.
- Meth can be used in a number of ways. People inject, snort, swallow and smoke meth products depending upon the form in which they are found. In order to make the effects more intense users may be forced to keep switching between each mode of use. Repeated dosage gives a bigger high. However the effects wear off much faster and therefore cause most people to become highly dependent on meth through a method known as crash and burn.
- Meth use usually starts through nasal inhalation and then slowly progresses to intravenous use. Using meth intravenously has long term and harmful consequences. It highly promotes a person’s chance of contracting HIV or aids. People who use meth re also at risk of losing their rational thinking and therefore indulge in high risk sexual behaviour.
- The effects of meth can stay in the body anywhere from tree to twelve hours. However more experienced users do a run for days where they can run on meth without any food or sleep.
- Using meth in very low doses can cause immediate addiction. It leads to a compulsive drug seeking behaviour. It has the same effect on the nervous system like cocaine.
- The immediate effect of meth on the mind is the occurrence of an instant high or rush where in the user finds themselves in a continuously happy state. Orally ingesting meth can have a lasting effect which can last for several hours leading to almost half a day. However as soon as the effects start wearing off the person might feel a sensation of crashing down somewhat similar to coming down quickly from a state of high and happiness. This is why they immediately seek another high increasing dependence on the drug.
- However prolonged exposure to meth can deeply harm the nerve cells in the brain. A person who uses meth regularly would experience psychological behavioural problems and show signs of psychotic behaviour which includes paranoia and anxiety.
Identifying meth use is easy when a person has undergone the right meth testing training in Melbourne.