Australia’s higher education system is among the finest in the world. It does trail the Ivy leagues and the UK based institutions but besides that Australia does provide some of the best higher education on offer. Australia is also quite diverse and secular and has a lot of its tie-ups and MOUs in the Asia-Pacific region. Due to its penchant for innovation and its geographical location, Australian higher education is in safe hands, but the problem arises when we start looking at the schooling that is available in Australia.
Australia is finding it difficult to promote proper grass-root education that is resulting in a lot of people failing to complete 12th grade. The children instead of preferring to move to college; they end up taking jobs at a very young age. People might even argue that the best minds go on to college, but the truth of the matter is that any country would want its children to be educated at least with an undergraduate degree.
The biggest issue that is preventing the development of the Australian Education sector is the presence of an out-dated system that was supposed to be advanced and upgraded, but in reality, the same problems that were brought up ten years by experts are still plaguing the system now. Among the most primary problems that need to be addressed are sectional intolerance, elitism and standards of teaching professionals.
Among these three issues, elitism has been identified has a societal issue that needs to be overcome quickly for young Australians to not be affected in the years to come. Australia is a relatively developed nation when compared to most countries, but the fact that such an issue plagues the society shows that the reforms put forth by the Australian Government haven’t yielded the results that they had hoped. Reforms that are put forth from now needs to address the problem of elitism, and the only way to tackle it is to sensitise children from a young age; this is one of the most important reasons why experts believe that a revamp needs to occur at the grass-root level.
The other key issue that needs to be overcome is the level of standards when it comes to professionals, teachers and administrators when it comes to the educational sector. For the time being Australia is facing a lack of proper standards and this is greatly affecting the other issues as well. Even if the government comes out with great solutions, it won’t matter unless they are executed accordingly. The gap between what needs to be done and what is done is bringing down the educational sector greatly.